
I feel blessed to have been born, raised, and still living in rural Michigan. If I get a free minute, you can find my wife and me outdoors fishing, hiking, skiing, snowmobiling, or kayaking. I love everything about Michigan’s outdoors and I am happy to be at a point in my life where I can transition my career from engineering to starting a business that allows me to spend more time in Michigan’s outdoor beauty. When I started Lakeview Lawn and Snow, my top priority was to offer professional and eco-friendly services.

Through my engineering career, I have learned the value of being professional in every way possible to ensure the respect and reputation of all parties involved.  I will maintain professionalism by ensuring any employee of Lakeview Lawn and Snow has passed a thorough background check, he/she has outstanding character quality, and he/she is trained just as much in professionalism as the services we offer. I will also maintain professionalism by respecting the customer. This will include the promise that services are of utmost quality, that we will communicate thoroughly with our customers to make sure we meet your individual needs, and that we will maintain a professional appearance at all times while on your property.

My passion for the outdoors has created a strong desire to maintain and respect Michigan’s environment and beauty. I feel that just a little effort can have a big impact on environmental quality. I try to be as eco-friendly as possible in my decisions on the job, as both technology and budgets allow. I prefer to use electric equipment as much as possible and only use gas-powered equipment when necessary. When I do use gas-powered equipment, I try to use smaller and more efficient machines which have less impact on the environment as well as your lawn and driveway. Our lightweight mowers do not tear up grass or compact yards nearly as much as large mowers do. The same goes for how we approach snow removal. For small driveway snow removal jobs we use electric snow blowers, for medium-sized jobs we use a gas-powered walk behind snowblower, and for the largest jobs we use a gas lawn tractor with a blower. All of these snow blowers weigh thousands of pounds less than the large plow trucks and tractors that can crumble driveways and tear lawns to shreds. The snow blowers leave a much cleaner look and they do so while sipping only a fraction of the fuel used by larger machines.

These are just a few examples of how we stand out as the best choice for lawn care and snow removal in the Traverse City area. We are always striving to be the most professional and friendly choice while meeting all of your specific needs and expectations. We are also constantly working towards being more and more eco-friendly as technology, practices, and budgets allow. We firmly believe in doing our part to keep Michigan’s outdoors both beautiful and clean.

Joe Stringer, Owner

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